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Unlike other spray foam insulation types, spray foam is a combination of both an insulator and an air barrier. It seals the nooks and crannies that cause energy to escape a building, driving up heating and cooling costs. When properly installed, it can reduce these costs by up to 50% right away.

Spray foam can be installed during the rough-in stage of construction, or retrofitted into walls and ceilings. It comes in both open and closed cell varieties. Generally speaking, closed-cell spray foam is more durable and offers better R-value per board foot than open-cell spray foam. It also forms a superior vapor barrier, which can save homeowners the cost of having to apply one themselves after the spray foam dries.

Another advantage of spray foam is its ability to conform to the unique design of a building, making it easy to fit hard-to-reach areas. This helps to maximize a building’s energy efficiency, which in turn cuts home and business owners’ utility bills.

How 316 Insulation of Seattle Delivers Superior Spray Foam Insulation Services

Spray foam insulation also dampens sound. This can be beneficial in homes with busy roads or offices, where noises may be distracting. It can also help keep moisture from penetrating a property, which can lead to mildew, mold and other health issues. This is why it’s particularly important to choose a contractor with years of experience installing this type of insulation. 316 Insulation of Olympia has the skills and equipment to install spray foam in attics, walls and crawl spaces.

316 Insulation of Olympia
2511 Columbia St SW Olympia WA 98501

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