Boric Acid For Bacterial Vaginosis
Unlike yeast infections, which are caused by a yeasty fungus called Candida, bacterial vaginosis is caused by bacteria. This disease is very common, and is often treated with antibiotics. However, the bacteria can become resistant to the antibiotics.
What time of day should I use boric acid suppositories?
Boric acid is a homeopathic remedy that has been used for vaginal infections for over a century. It is considered to be safe, but some of its ingredients may cause side effects.
Women should talk to their doctor before using boric acid for bacterial vaginosis. They should also wash their hands before inserting the suppository.
In addition, some over-the-counter products can interact with boric acid. They can upset the pH of the vagina, and may cause irritated skin or vaginal burning.
It is important to note that boric acid is not safe for use in pregnant women. It can also cause fetal development problems.
Antibiotics are the most commonly used treatment for bacterial vaginosis. However, they can also wipe out the good bacteria in the vagina, making a woman susceptible to yeast infections.
Boric acid suppositories are also used to treat bacterial vaginosis. They are safe to use as long as you follow the instructions on the label.
However, boric acid suppositories can be uncomfortable and may cause some mild skin irritation. In addition, they may make false claims on the label.
In addition, boric acid may disrupt the growth of the bacteria, and may make it harder for them to form a biofilm. Biofilms are groups of microorganisms that are organized within a sticky matrix.